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What is Data Science and Whats you need to know to learn Data Science

What is Data Science ?

Data science is the study of where information comes from, what it represents and how it can be turned into a valuable resource in the creation of business and IT strategies. Mining large amounts of structured and unstructured data to identify patterns can help an organization rein in costs, increase efficiencies, recognize new market opportunities and increase the organization's competitive advantage.Basically it is the study of Data which is generated each single moment.

What you should know to learn Data Science?

Here we are giving the list of Subjects/topics which you should know to learn Data Science . In the upcoming blogs we will tell you the sources from where you can learn all these . We will dedicate each blog to understand the importance of each subject with respect to Data Science and will  explain everything required for give you an overview of each subject.

  1. Python Programming Language
  2. Statistics
  3. Linear Algebra & Probability
  4. Database Knowledge
  5. Machine learning
  6. Big Data
  7. Data Visualization
  8. Deep Learning
  9. Problem-Solving Skills 

We will give you the Resources for each of these topics in our Upcoming Blog Series.

If you have Any Doubt you can ask in the comment section.

For more updates & relative posts stay tuned ! 
~thank you.

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